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Full Dyslexia Diagnostic Assessment

Dyslexia assessments are comprehensive evaluations designed to diagnose and understand Dyslexia, a common learning disability that affects an individual's ability to read, write, and spell accurately and fluently.


Our assessments aim to provide a thorough understanding of the individual's strengths and weaknesses and our follow-up report outlines several recommendations including Exam Access Arrangements (e.g. extra time) and can be used when applying for Disabled Student Allowance.

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Dyslexia Screening

The primary goal of our Dyslexia screening is to identify individuals who may be struggling with reading and/ or spelling and may benefit from targeted interventions or additional assessment. Those who are flagged by the screening process can then undergo more in-depth assessments to confirm the presence of Dyslexia and develop personalised support plans.

Literacy Assessment

Our Literacy assessment is a systematic evaluation designed to measure an individual's proficiency and skills in reading and writing. These assessments are used to gauge a person's literacy level, identify strengths and weaknesses, and determine their overall reading and writing abilities.

Key components of a Literacy Assessment include evaluating reading comprehension, decoding skills, fluency, vocabulary, and writing skills.

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Dyscalculia Screening

Dyscalculia screening is a targeted assessment process used to identify individuals who may be at risk for Dyscalculia, a specific learning disability that affects mathematical understanding and arithmetic skills. Unlike a comprehensive Dyscalculia assessment, which provides a detailed diagnosis, screening tools are designed to quickly flag individuals who may need further evaluation or support in maths-related areas.

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